The Wari: Lords of the
Andes long before the Inca.
Getting Close to the
Mountain God (Apu) Picchu Picchu
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Moquegua: Poster at the Museum |
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Sign at the Site |
We descended from Arequipa at 8000 feet down to
Moquegua at 4731 feet. Moquegua is fairly close to Chile’s border and Peru’s
south Pacific coast. It is located in the Rio Torata river valley, and our goal
was to visit a Wari (or Huari) archaeological site that has been featured in National Geographic, Archaeology magazine,
the PNAS* journal, and other
archaeological publications. Moquegua is well worth a visit for things other
than archaeology. Check it out. The site, Cerro Baul, is located 20km from our
hotel so we hired a taxi to take us there, wait there at least 3 hours and then
bring us back. Since he (Socrates) had not been there before, he stated that he
wanted to climb up with us. We bought him a bottle of water and we were on our
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Our taxi driver Socrates. He was all covered up the entire trek. |
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Approaching the site. We will climb on the opposite side |
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Climbing, Note the switchbacks above and below |
Note from the pictures that the mesa
on which Cerro Baul sits is impressive. I have already read of it being
compared to Ancient Israel’s Masada of 2000 years ago (the co-director, Patrick
Ryan Williams, of the site makes this mention.). Wari history here is very
different and does not begin until approximately AD 600. The mesa is isolated
on all sides, as at Masada, and the Snake Path up Cerro Baul compares in part
to Masada’s Snake Path. Cerro Baul had no defensive walls and all water had to be carried up since
there was no water channel carrying water to the site or to cisterns. All
supplies, other than rock used for building construction, had to be carried to
the top of the mesa.
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All supplies needed to be carried up |
It appears that the
Wari were in Northern Peru in the Ayacucho valley already by AD 500 and then
expanded their influence developing an empire in the high Andes north and south
to Lake Titicaca, which was controlled by the Tiwanaku. The Tiwanaku, who lived
south of the lake already in 200 BC (or earlier), spread their empire south
from Lake Titicaca in what is now Bolivia. According to the Tiwanaku, it was
from Lake Titicaca where the creator emerged to create the first people. The National Geographic (Jun 2002, p.109)
makes what I consider to be an innocuous statement that “Both the Wari and
Tiwanaku used the power of religion to control their realm.” Duh! Using religion
to control people happened before and after the Wari and Tiwanaku AND into the
present (eg US 2003 invasion of Iraq, ISIL today, etc.). “For God and country
(and his son,) the King” is an ancient concept. Remember Egypt or Ancient
Israel? That this concept was used by the Wari or Tiwanaku, or the Inca is
nothing new.
Both the Wari and the Tiwanaku were
at their peak of power and influence from AD 600 -1000. The Wari expanded
approximately 800-1000 miles north to south but remained centered in the Ayacucho
area in Wari just seven miles distant from Ayacucho and 600km north of Cerro
Baul. Wari, at its height, may have had a population of 70,000. Tiwanaku, as
its capital city is known, at its height may have had a population of 60,000.
In contrast, the population of Cerro Baul was less than 1000. The much later
Inca claimed a “spiritual” relatedness with the Tiwanaku and that they, the
Inca, had moved from Lake Titicaca around AD 1200 to Cusco. Extensive drought
in the 12th century may have ended both the Tiwanaku and Wari
empires. In the north, the Chimu succeeded the Wari, and four centuries later,
the Inca succeeded the Chimu to grow an empire spreading out from the Sacred
Valley due to its sufficient water resources succeeding also both the Wari and
Tiwanaku empires. Note that neither the Wari nor the Tiwanaku nor the Inca (4
centuries later) had a writing system, so how did they administer their empire
and keep records?
One clue is the khipu. It is a stringed device (few Wari
examples exist) that may have been used to keep records involving numbers. It
has a primary string from which other cords dangle. Some of these cords have
supplementary cords in different colors dangling from them. The example I
studied actually did not come from an excavation but is in someone’s private
collection (owner unnamed); therefore I’m cautious of saying more until I check
out additional sources for Wari examples. So, a future date to continue talk of
the khipu. The Incas also used the khipu and there are excavated Inca examples
that I plan to use in the near future.
Based on
the recovered artifacts, the excavators suggest that Cerro Baul was where the
Wari and the Tiwanaku did meet and gather in peace. No artifacts or skeletal
remains relating to battles, and with only one exception, no structures were
destroyed or fired. The one exception will be explained below. The site is some
distance west of Lake Titicaca (HQ for the Tiwanaku) in southern Peru, a 4-hour
bus ride south from Arequipa. According to co-director Williams and his
colleagues, Cerro Baul was the southern extent of the Wari Empire. As mentioned
above, Cerro Baul, had no defensive walls. It was not constructed as a fortress
nor did they have a water source or canal on the mesa top.
excavators believe that Cerro Baul was an agrarian reclamation project utilizing the upper river valley. To give
credit where credit is due (the PNAS and
the Archaeology articles), it is
clear that they carefully excavated the site and conducted surveys and
additional excavation in the surrounding area utilizing several scientific
aspects. Besides utilizing radiocarbon dating, the Cerro Baul Project conducted
an extensive hydrological examination of the Rio Torata and Rio Moquegua area
and were able to differentiate between the shorter and lower in elevation
canals of the Tiwanaku to the longer and higher in elevation (above 8600 feet)
canals of the Wari whereby they were able to reclaim more land for agrarian
pursuits. The Wari water channel was 20km in length and was able to handle the
flow of 400 liters of water per second. They grew maize and potatoes, and other
products including Schinus molle,
small seeds of a Peruvian pepper tree used in brewing chicha.
The taxi driver Socrates took us from
Moquegua’s Plaza, 1425m (4731 feet) up to the base of Cerro Baul, 2222m (7377
feet). As we started up, I looked at the switchbacks and knew that this was
going to be a challenge at about the halfway point. The ascent was not too
difficult taking one hour. The descent, with switchbacks, the loose gravel, often
on the cliff side, included some butt slides. The descent also took one
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First signs of offerings above and below |
On the way up, there were signs of
offerings left on the trail. Most common were cigarettes, coca leaves, and candy.
Then at 2500m (8300 feet), there was a small cave, whose walls were blackened
with soot and candle wax. On the flattened cave floor (and outside the cave on
the trail) were numerous offerings, again coca leaves and the usual assortment.
In addition, there were large sums of money both soles (paper and coin) and Ben
Franklin US $100 bills. I have included pictures of some of these offerings.
According to the Cerro Baul book I purchased at the museum in Moquegua, these
offerings are called “pagos” a payment to the gods, in this case the mountain
god (apu) of the distant Mt. Picchu Picchu (meaning Summit Summit or Peak Peak)
here in Arequipa. These offerings continue a 1500-year tradition at this site. Shamans
and others come up here regularly, and this was quite clear once we reached the
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The Cave with its offerings above and below |
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Real Soles and Dollars? |
When you finally reach the summit at 2576m (8552 feet) and glance around,
you will not only see signs that people camp up here but 100s of rock-built
niches or offering tables on which offerings (pagos) were made. Some of the
rectangular scratches in the dirt surrounding the votive offerings are said to
indicate fields, houses or farms. Evidently, the more recent suppliants have
prayed to the Picchu Picchu god (apu) for preservation of their fields, house,
or farm. Some were quite elaborate stone constructions, but usually they were
simple as the “Juan” example shown. The Juan example utilized a modern ceramic
incense offering form. I saw numerous broken examples of these as soon as I
reached the summit and the crosses. I realized immediately that these were
modern ceramic sherds and not the ancient Wari sherds. (All too often I saw
glass liquor and wine bottles left behind at the offering sites. Too many
guests/worshippers are not packing out what they carried up.) At the summit, it
is impossible to miss the two crosses and once you reach the crosses you notice
that they are surrounded with numerous “pagos.” Religious syncretism is the
word for this.
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They are almost at the summit. Mt. Picchu Picchu was visible to the north on some shots. |
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The crosses below which are offerings |
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The "Juan" offering |
I used the book, entitled Cerro
Baul, purchased at the museum in Moquegua to find the temples, brewery, and
other structures. At the summit, I noticed that this was a one-period site
dominated by ruined building walls with bedrock close below. According to the
excavators, it was a long single-period dating approximately to AD 600-1000
+/-. Archaeological work here in Peru is fairly recent, since the 1980s
I remember at one site in the Middle East where I supervised, the
ceramicist “expert” (of the Roman Period) was officially dating all of our
earlier Iron II Period pottery (10th -7th c. BC), which
my crews were excavating, to a 400-hundred year period. Yet, my colleague and I
were able to date the sherds easily to a specific century. This well-seasoned
colleague and I protested. When the excavation ended, the director announced
that he would not be digging for the following season in order to re-examine
all the excavated pottery to refine its dates. The two of us were not invited
back, but it is an important site, and we were confident that we had sufficient
ceramics to tighten its chronology to specific centuries. Such is not the case
yet in Peru. More excavation needs to happen for a better pottery typology and
The museum’s book allowed me to find the brewery, which is highlighted in
every published article. My name is “Bierling,” and “bier” is the Dutch and
German word for beer. My son operates the Bier Barrel Distillery (he brews beer
before distilling it), so while on the summit I hunted for the Wari brewery. It
is no longer preserved as in the published photos. Sometimes after we clean and
photograph an area, we backfill somewhat to preserve the ruins, which may have
happened in the brewery. One picture in the museum’s book shows the excavation
in its beginning stages, and my pictures years later look similar to that
excavation stage.
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The Brewery today |
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Museum Model of the Brewery. My onsite shots are from upper left shooting right. | |
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Brewery: Left is where brewed, middle is fermentation room, right where the grain was milled. |
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Museum Model: Brewery, left (colored), Temple D (shaped as a D) center & colored |
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Museum Model: Brewing room top, fermentation room middle, and milling room bottom |
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Grinding/Mill stone now broken |
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Pot Sherds still are scattered about |
The brewery complex (approximately 2500 sq. feet) has a milling room, a
fermentation room (a 3 to 5 day process), and a boiling room. The milling room
contained grinders to break up the kernels of corn. The clean published shots
of the boiling room show obvious signs of fire to bring the brew in the large
ceramic vats (pithoi, large jars) to a boil. There are twelve burned spots for
twelve large jars, each one holding about 150 liters (39.5 gallons), which
totals 1800 liters or 474 gallons of brew per batch. That’s a lot of Wari
pints. The clean published shots show quantities of sherds littering the floor.
Every jar and drinking cup was shattered. The mugs are called keros where the smaller ones held 12 oz.
of brew and the largest ones held 64 oz. of the Wari Apu Special (my name for
the brew) in keros with their deity
depicted on its side.
The archaeologists believe that the potent chicha was used to placate the
area leaders, including the Tiwanaku. Invite them all up to sample the latest
apu brew accompanied with some coca perhaps or other, and everyone becomes
relaxed and when you go home (5-7 days later?) you go home with happy thoughts
about the Wari leaders.
From excavations at various Wari sites around Ayacucho, archaeologists
had posited a different perspective of the Wari as a warlike people not unknown
to use ritual executions and keeping the heads as trophies. Even the
“Front-Faced” god on the large keros drinking mugs when pictured on other
ceramic forms sometimes show a fierce god with a head or a prisoner in his
According to Williams and his wife Nash, a different picture emerges at
Cerro Baul (Arch. Jan/Feb 2010,
42-43). They have examined the skeletal remains of 1000s of Tiwanaku in the
surrounding area, none of whom died a violent death.
So, here is their scenario for the final party held at the Cerro Baul
Brewery. It is posited that each leader had his own distinctive keros drinking
mug so there were at least 28 leaders and 474 gallons of a fresh brew. Once
they finished, perhaps a week later, they toasted perhaps each other, Picchu
Picchu (the apu), and then smashed the keros on the brewery floor. They burned
the brewery and abandoned Cerro Baul. At least 28 distinctive keros vessels
were recovered in the brewery and conserved; therefore, the mention of 28
leaders. The empires, both the Tiwanaku and the Wari, faded from history and
four centuries later the Inca arrived to fill the void and to build a new
I was able to find the D-shaped temples, the other temples, the palace,
the plazas, but it is the D-shaped ones that are rare outside the Ayacucho-Wari
area. Again, they were in poor shape when compared to the published clean pictures,
but the doorway and the low walls remain visible. The former plazas quite often
were filled with stones used to construct the pagos of the shamans and others.
Since the archaeological team did not just excavate the mesa top of Cerro
Baul, but the slopes and the settlements in the surrounding area, they believe,
based on the quantity and quality of the recovered artifacts, that it was the
elite Wari who lived up on site. The empire support staff, the farmers, and the
others lived below. The 20km Wari water canal supplied three of these
settlements. Downstream, the Tiwanaku also had a brewery, but smaller in size
than the Wari one up on Cerro Baul.
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Temple D with entrance upper left |
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Temple D with me shooting from the entrance |
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Another temple with plaza in foreground |
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Temple View with interior rooms |
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This rock is said to be part of the Arundane Temple and its long axis is said to point to the Apu Arundane. | |
For me, it would have been a pleasure to have been here when the team was
excavating and to see and to handle the artifacts of both cultures and how the
elite Wari lived up on the site and how their lives differed from the empire
support staff below. However, I was excavating in the Middle East while they
were doing their fascinating work on these pre-Inca empires at Cerro Baul.
The museum in Moquegua is an excellent one but too limited in scope. They
were kind enough to allow me to take general shots in the rooms (no close ups
of artifacts), and they did allow me to photograph the model of Cerro Baul and
the chronology wall chart.
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Chronological Chart showing the Wari and how they relate to other cultures |
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The model and other displays |
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A Wari holding his drinking mug |
*PNAS is the
scholarly journal entitled Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences. I used their November 29, 2005 issue
which has an article entitled: “Burning down the brewery: Establishing and
evacuating an ancient imperial colony at Cerro Baul, Peru.” It was written by
Michael E. Mosely, Donna J. Nash, Patrick Ryan Williams, et al.
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The Wari and the Tiwanaku settled below |
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A final shot as we left. |
On October 3, 2014 we plan to head north to continue to follow the Wari, the Lords of the Andes. Ojala, our quest will include Ayacucho near which the Wari developed their Empire centuries before the Inca.